(ACC) / Ombudsman Program

Administrative Care Coordinator ( ACC)

The ACC serves as a local resource for all HealthChoice members. The ACC can:
  • Help you understand your Medicaid and HealthChoice benefits and how to access services
  • Explain your MCO choices
  • Help you find a primary care doctor or specialist in your MCOs network (You can change PCPs at any time.)
  • Help you find a dentist for your child (MCOs are not required to cover dental services for adults)
  • Help link you to Medicaid transportation services (MCOs are not required to provide transportation)
  • Help you get your prescriptions filled
  • Explain the health care services you can get out of network and without a referral, like prenatal care (if you already started prenatal care and family planning services)
  • Explain your annual right to change MCOS


The local Ombudsman acts as an advocate for your health care needs.  An Ombudsman may contact you when there are complex medical issues involving care coordination with the MCO.

 If you need help or have a complaint about your care, call the:


HealthChoice Help Line

301-609-6900 ext 6803

Charles County Health Department ACC/Ombudsman Program

The ACCU program provides assistance to clients enrolled in Medicaid (not Medicare).
For Medicare related questions or concerns, please call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).